aiden enjoys saying 'cheese'. we have a camera that we've succumbed to him as being a play toy. and when ever he plays with the camera, we always say 'cheese'. tonight, while playing with his train, i took out the camera and took a couple pix of him, all the while he was saying 'cheese'.
rough day at 'bacon-n-eggs' playground
saturday afternoon we were packed up and ready to head to the local playground so aiden could run around and climb on a few things and go down the slide. except, when we opened the door, it had just started raining. so instead, we packed him in the car and headed to the library so aiden could play in the little play yard.
when we got there, it was teaming with kids, but aiden wanted to go in anyway. timid at first, he wouldn't let go of my hand, but after a few minutes, he started to venture on his own. no more than five minutes later, as he was climbing up the banana staircase to the bowl of shredded wheat and blueberries, another kid came barreling up and pushed him down the stairs. no harm to the boo bear, he tumbed down the equivalent of two stairs and i picked him up. the other boy's mom came over and had her kid say sorry. that was nice.
about ten minutes later, after boo pulled himself together, he was off to another part of the playground when he bumped into another kid who was chasing his brother. after bumping, and a split second where aiden was giving the boy a hug, the boy maliciously pushed aiden to the ground. instant bawling from my little one. i'm pretty sure aiden's little head bounced a bit... good thing the carpet is padded quite nicely. as i went to pick up my trooper i couldn't do anything but glare at the kid that pushed aiden down. couldn't believe it... and no appearance from his mom. can you believe that? hello? mom? dad? are you paying attention to your tyrant of a kid or did you just drop him there to release energy while you sat around like a snob. so mad. so i had my eye on the kid that pushed aiden over. after about five minutes of boo sniffling in mom and dad's arms, i saw the boy's mom pull him over (as he passed her) and she had a few words for him, i think... but no apology no nothing to us who were sitting no more that ten feet away.
ok. it's been some time since i've made a post let alone post any pictures. so here's a pic. we bought aiden a little thomas the train couch from the store so he had something his size to relax on... although he still very much enjoys climbing up on the couch and sitting with us.