new bike
the other night we took a out for a bike ride. he wanted to ride on the dirt and climb a hill or two. during the ride, a was complaining that his legs were tired cause his bike was too small.
so after our ride through the park, we told a we would take him to the bike shop and get him a bigger bike.
this morning, aiden kept asking when we were going to the bike store. i think he asked me about every 15 minutes. finally, around 1130, we loaded up in the car and headed to the bike store. five minutes into the drive, aiden asks how long it will be until we get there. hilarious.
we had settled the previous night on getting a specialized hot rock, blue. so that's what we got. at the shop, we headed downstairs, located the bike, and a was off riding around the store. after fifteen minutes of riding, we went back upstairs, paid, had the shop mechanic give it once over, then rode to the car.
back home, aiden was overly excited to ride. he immediately took off over the rocks riding back and forth through the alley. thirty minutes later, we were riding through the neighborhood on our way to the pool for some swim time. after the pool, a stop at the sand park, we were back home where the kids rode their bikes for another twenty minutes before bed. while riding around, aiden was singing, "diggin' my ride, diggin' my ride".
the video is dark. i'll have to shoot some more during the day.
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