a day in the life... growing up growing old

Thursday, March 30, 2006

day care

ok. so bin bin is in day care now. we were able to keep him out of it for just over a year and we were reluctant to put him in... but with babysitters unable to continue service, we took the plunge and found a day care (thanks to one of p's b-friends). it's actually not too bad, very flexible with our schedule and can change days with some notice. they even offer up evening care for kids incase the moms and dads wanna head out for a night. the price isn't too bad either. so we really can't complain.
except, since we've taken boo there, he's been sick twice. this one has the added bonus of a viral conjunctivitus. i feel so bad for the little one pulling snot and having to wipe his eyes.

picking up around the house

it's been too long since i've written a short about aiden (wen bin). i've been using his chinese name lately... too many aidens floating around, so now i call him bin bin or wen bin.

anyway. two days ago bin bin was playing and moving blocks around the house. he picked up one block, walked around the kitchen island, opened up the garbage can and put the block in the garbage. he then walked around the island again, went to the garbage can, opened the lid, and pulled out the block. tonight, playing on the floor, bin bin picked up a wrapper, walked to the garbage and threw it in. he then went back to the other two wrappers that were on the ground, separated them out, and threw one of them away. after that, he went back to the garbage can, pulled out both wrappers and played with them until i pulled them away and took out the garbage. pretty funny