musical baton
1. the person who passed the baton to you
grey marble
2. total volume of music files on your computer
i don't have a computer yet, nor really know what it is
3. the title and artist of the last cd you bought
what's a cd?
4. song playing at the moment of writing
well, dad's doing the typing for me at this moment, and i don't really know any song titles or artist - plus, i'm sleeping in my swing chair
5. five songs you have been listening to of late or all-time favorites, or particularly personally meaning ful songs
whatever mom or dad listens to is what i end up listing to as well.
6. the people to whom you will 'pass the musical baton.'
i don't really know anyone with a blogsite - but when francesca and carson get blogsites, they will be 1 and 2 on the list.